Another week passed and brought several interesting articles and we are here again to provide you some inspiration for cold winter weekend evenings. Let’s get started!
Federico Fernandez’s Free Market Diaries sum up the FMRS first event in USA with interesting report from discussion titled “What can the US learn from Europe?” and featured two veteran road warriors – John Charalambakis and Enrico Colombatto- and the FMRS Director herself, Barbara Kolm. Federico’s article also contains the video footage of the event that you shouldn’t miss if only for the reason that you will learn how minimal wages, US Department of Labor and Salvation Army go together:)
Also second of our tips is focused on USA. Regular FMRS speaker John Fund give you insights behind the scene of the Iowa Freedom Summit, where more than a dozen potential Republican presidential candidates presented themselves. You can learn who were the the winners and losers of the event in his article on National Review.
With last piece, we visited beatiful Switzerland, Dan Hannan is thinking the Davos Forum in his article Davos is a corporatist racket. He came to the conclusion that when it comes to free markets, Davos Man is often on the same side as the Lefties. And he added that the only reason right wingers don’t demonstrate in the slush alongside the Occupy crowd is that most of them have jobs.
But we hope that at least on weekend you will take a break, enjoy some relaxation and good reading!