RegisterMay 22nd, 2015
CUBE start up hub, Kleisovis 8, 10677, AthensTime
17:15 – 20:15
Opening Speech
Barbara Kolm (Director, Austrian Economics Center)
Makis Spyratos ( Business Development, KEFIM)
Panel 1: Entrepreneurship in Times of Crisis
17:30 – 18:35
Alexander Skouras (Associate Director of Institute Relations, Atlas Network)
Keynote speech
Deirdre McCloskey (Professor of Economics, history,English,communication,University of Illinois,Chicago US)
Benjamin Powell (Director, Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University)
Christina Fili (Director, Ashoka)
Peter Jungen (Chairman, Peter Jungen Holding GmbH, Governing Board Member of the Institute for New Economic Thinking)
Q&A section
18:35 – 18:55
Coffe break
18:55 – 19:10
Panel 2: Growth & Currency: The Role of the Euro
19:10 – 19:50
Yiannis Donatos (
Keynote speech
John Fund (Columnist, Wall Street Journal)
John Charalambakis (Chief Economist, Blacksummit Financial Group Inc.,United States)
Miranda Xafa ( E.F. Consulting Ltd)
Q&A Section
19:50 – 20:10
Closing Remarks
20:10 – 20:15